This is how one man imagined it will be:
"God sits on a throne with a great curtain behind Him and, one by one, we come before Him. Then God makes a sign with His right hand, and from behind the curtain come beings each more beautiful than the other; so splendid that we cannot bear to look at them. Each of these beings stands before one of those to be judged. We who are accused ask, 'Who is this beautiful being with me?' God answered, "That is you, as you would have been if you had obeyed Me.' And then comes, for the disobedient, the eternal hell of remorse." from the book In God's Underground by Richard Wurmbrand
The feeling of regret is not unfamiliar to us. It is actually a fear--the fear of loss. And we all have this innate fear of loss built in. In fact, avoiding the pain of loss is known to be a powerful motivator in business negotiation strategy.
Such feeling may arise from lost opportunity, loss of love or the loss of anything precious to us, as a result of our own decision and action or the lack thereof. It is excruciating. But in this life, we still have the chance to "make up for the loss", to learn from our mistake or to redeem those bad decisions somehow. We also look to a variety of distractions to numb ourselves from the pain of loss.
At the final judgment we will not have such diversions; we will face eternally what could have been for us. The Bible often describes Hell to be a place of 'weeping and gnashing of teeth' a state of mind filled with profound regret (Matthew 13:41-42). How dreadful it will be for those of us who have not relied on Jesus to regain what we have lost!
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