When I grow up, I want to be...a neuroplasticity scientist. It is a relatively new field in science that studies the human brain. In the past, scientists believed that certain parts of the brain were immutable after infancy. That is, they didn't change; the brain's structure is basically fixed, which is the reason why any brain damage that occurs after that early period has permanent effect. Recent research however indicates that all of the brain DOES change anatomically and/or physiologically in response to experience, suggesting the possibility of healing that would have previously been thought miraculous.
A documentary film was aired in July this year that highlights how individuals with brain injury and/or deficient brain development from birth have been able to overcome their disability by 're-wiring' their brains through certain exercises. Here is the link to that film: The Brain that Changes Itself.
This new insight into the human brain has incredible implications. It gives the term 'mind over matter' some degree of scientific credibility. One segment of the documentary points out a very interesting observation. It reveals that merely thinking about an activity has the same plasticity effect on the brain as actually doing that same activity.
Now we know why Jesus was concerned about our thinking right as much as doing right. (Matthew 5) And it makes us hear afresh the apostle Paul's admonishment to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) -- words from an ancient source, with truths and wisdom unfolding in our scientific age.
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