Matthew 5:39 "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well"
If we only read this verse, it would seem like Jesus advocates that his disciples be doormats, allowing others to walk all over them. And in our minds we think "weak and stupid people can't say 'no' or defend themselves". We don't want to be weak or stupid and so we're repulsed by the idea of 'getting hosed'.
But Jesus does not advocate weakness or stupidity; he is saying choose to give even when we sense the other person is manipulating or mistreating us. If we follow our natural inclination to build up defences, our hearts would end up being hard and cold. We are actually in the position of strength when we choose. A deliberate choice to remain vulnerable to people is an act of love.
Jesus didn't innocently or foolishly trust people (John 2:23-25). But He loved them.
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