Friday, April 19, 2013

Got to grow up

Ever seen an eaglet in a tree? I came across one during a morning walk some years ago, but couldn't make out what it was at first. The bird was big and round, perched on a branch motionless like a furry ball. When a passerby pointed out it was a young eagle I was rather surprised by how unimpressive it looked. Nonetheless, it reminded me of this verse in the Bible "but those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagle..." Isaiah 40:31- even though it was hardly an image of the magnificent bird that the verse was supposed to invoke.

The weird thing was, a joyful feeling came over me and made me realize God was talking, saying I am that eaglet--all cooped up not yet able to fly. So, it was not a compliment...but when someone as magnanimous as God himself paid enough attention to know I am a twit and cares to tells me so, THAT gives me way more confidence than a thousand praises from anyone.

But God didn't stop with the eaglet that morning, minutes later while I was driving to work, a full grown bald eagle flew so low that I could see it flying across the sky in front of me. I was elated--this is God's picture for me, when he is done with my makeover I will indeed soar!

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